Tuesday 31 January 2017

Must-Have Office Furniture for An Efficient Workplace

The ultimate goal of every business is a success, which is directly measured by productivity. Productivity, in turn, depends on the employees. It is a well-known fact that employees work well when the work environment - physical and emotional - is conducive to productivity. Let us consider a few factors on how businesses can increase their productivity and hence, their workplace efficiency.

The efficiency of employees drops when they feel lazy or uncomfortable. This majorly depends on the office environment. An important component affecting the environment is office furniture. The quality of individual desks, tables, and other furniture, and their cohesiveness in the office design as a whole can either boost or drop the productivity of employees.

How Office Furniture Boosts Efficiency

Office furniture that’s not comfortable causes back pain and joint pain in employees, making it difficult to focus on the work at hand. With the increase in occupational diseases, it is logical that employers be concerned about the health of their employees. Healthy employees work well and longer in their respective companies. Employees, in turn, will definitely appreciate the efforts of their employers and remain loyal to them.

Office Furniture
Office Furniture
Boring and uncomfortable office furniture may irritate employees, making them less interested in work and in turn less efficient. Employees may also carry this negativity home with them, affecting their personal and social lives, creating a vicious circle reducing their overall efficiency.

Ergonomic Chairs - An Essential Part of Office Furniture

Ergonomic and adjustable chairs are essential to the efficiency of the workplace. Consider the following factors:

•    Adjustable height
•    Back and lumbar support
•    Stability

Office Chairs Melbourne
Office Chairs Melbourne
Employees have varying heights and so with chairs, “one size fits all,” do not apply. Chairs that can be adjusted to the height of the employee, ensures relief from joint pain. Chairs that offer support to the spine and lumbar region reduce causes of backaches. The cushions should not be too firm or too soft. Chairs with adjustable lumbar support are best. For comfort on a tight budget, separate lumbar cushions or pads can be purchased and used with existing chairs. Sitting on unstable chairs may distract employees and cause discomfort. They may even teeter over or pull a muscle. For better stability ensure that chairs have five points of contact with the ground.

Sitting Or Standing Desks - A Healthy Trend

Sitting for long periods at a stretch increases one’s chances of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and weight gain. Reducing the time one spends sitting and increasing the time spent standing is a lifestyle change that can improve physical, mental and metabolic health in the long run. This could pose a challenge while working using old-fashioned office furniture. A solution is to replace old desks with new healthier options. A height-adjustable desk or a sit-stand desk allows you to adjust it so you can alternately use it while sitting as well as standing. Working at such desks may also reduce back pain and improve mood and energy levels.

Standing Desk
Standing Desk

Dual Desks

It is possible that employees may get bored while working alone at their desks. They may run out of ideas if doing work requiring a level of creativity. A dual desk can help solve that problem to a certain extent. Sharing a desk with a fellow employee offers a chance to bounce ideas off each other and developing a feeling of community. This works well when the business expects a collaboration between employees and encourages discussion of work and creative ideas. It also reduces the need for employees to leave their desks to communicate with the other members of their team for issues related to work.

So consider the benefits of the style of office furniture and pick one that suits your objectives. Remember, the right furniture means the right mood for work leading to high productivity!

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